For your utmost comfort, we've secured a selection of hotels at exclusive discounted rates just for you. Use this list as your guide to find the perfect stay.

We recommend staying in Florence, preferably around Santa Maria Novella where there’s so much to explore, and rest assured—we’ve arranged all transportation to and from the venues. No need to worry about a thing—just relax and enjoy the celebration and your vacation!

Where to Stay:

Handpicked for You

Hotel Options for Our Guests

July 10th–13th, 2025

Organized by Price & Star Rating

for Your Convenience


  1. Tivoli Palazzo Gaddi firenze (⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆)

    Check-in: 10 July | Check-out: 13 July

    Booking: Tivoli Palazzo Gaddi Reservation link

    Reservation Deadline: 70 days before check-in

    Cancellation: Non-refundable after payment

  2. The Hoxton Florence (⋆⋆⋆⋆)

    Check-in: 10 July | Check-out: 15 July

    Booking Instructions:

    1. Visit The Hoxton Website link

    2. Click on "Add Code" and select "Group Attendee"

    3. Enter code "SARSAM"

    Special Rates Valid Until: 31 March 2025

    Cancellation: Free until 21 June 2025

  3. WTB Hotels (⋆⋆⋆⋆ | ⋆⋆⋆⋆s)

    Check-in: 9 July | Check-out: 14 July

    Hotels Included:

    1. Hotel L'Orologio Firenze (⋆⋆⋆⋆S)

    2. Hotel Santa Maria Novella (⋆⋆⋆⋆S)

    3. Hotel Garibaldi Blu (⋆⋆⋆⋆)

    4. Hotel Rosso 23 (⋆⋆⋆⋆)

    Booking: Why The Best Hotels

    Discount Code: "SARAANDSAMER"

    Discounts: 5% on Flexible Rate, 3% on Non-Refundable Rate

    Cancellation: Up to 5 days before arrival (Flexible Rate)

    To ensure the code works correctly, it is essential

    that the phrase "Wedding Rate" appears.

    otherwise, the discount will not be applied,

    and tracking the reservation will not be possible.

  4. Hotel Indigo (⋆⋆⋆⋆)

    Check-in: 10 July | Check-out: 13 July

    Booking: Email with subject "WEDDING SARA & SAMER"

    Reservation Deadline: 30 May 2025

    Payment: At check-in; credit card required for guarantee

  5. Glance Hotel (⋆⋆⋆⋆)

    Check-in: 10 July | Check-out: 13 July

    Booking: Glance Hotel Website

    Special Code: "Wedding Sara & Samer"

    Reservation Deadline: 7 days before check in date

    Cancellation:available online depending on the selected room.

  6. Ruby Bea Hotel Florence (⋆⋆⋆⋆)

    Check-in: 9 July | Check-out: 14 July

    Booking: Ruby Hotels Website

    Group Code: "GIR090725"

    choose room for 2

    Reservation Deadline: 29 May 2025

    Cancellation: Free up to 3 days before arrival

  7. Airbnb Options

    Curated List: Airbnb Recommendations


    For any inquiries, please contact the hotels directly and mention

    "Sara & Samer's Wedding 2025". If you’d like to extend your stay at the discounted rates, kindly email the hotel or maria.